Credential Stuffing 2.0 : The Use of Proxies, CAPTCHA Bypassing , Cloud Flare Security, and GUI Tools

Two Techie Vibes
7 min readJan 16, 2023


Hope You visited the previous article which covers all basic stuff on credential stuffing or else you can check it out here:

Welcome to the new age of cyber attacks, where hackers have taken credential stuffing to the next level. Meet Credential Stuffing 2.0, where the use of proxies, CAPTCHA bypassing, CloudFlare security Bypass, and GUI tools have become the norm. Gone are the days of simple brute force attacks, now hackers have access to advanced methodologies that automate the process and increase the chances of success. In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into the inner workings of Credential Stuffing 2.0, uncovering how these tools are used to infiltrate even the most secure of systems. Brace yourself for a high-tech journey into the dark world of hacking.

Usage of Proxies

Proxies play a significant role in credential stuffing attacks by allowing attackers to mask their IP address and location while making requests. This makes it more difficult for the targeted organization to trace the source of the attack and block the IP address.

When an attacker uses a proxy, they can rotate through different IP addresses and locations, making it difficult for the targeted organization to detect and block the attack. This allows the attacker to continue trying different login credentials without being detected or blocked.

Proxies also allow attackers to conduct a distributed attack, where they can use multiple IP addresses and locations to access the targeted website or service. This allows the attacker to use a large number of login credentials at once, making it more likely for them to find a set of valid credentials.

Additionally, attackers may use a proxy to anonymize themselves, this way the targeted organization would not be able to trace back the initiation of the attack and take legal action if needed.

It’s also important to mention that proxy providers may offer a specific type of service that is called “rotating proxies”, this type of proxies automatically change the IP address when a request is sent, this is a common technique used by hackers to evade detection.


There are a few ways to get proxy servers:

  1. Purchase them from a proxy provider: There are many companies that sell proxy servers, either on a monthly or yearly subscription basis. These proxies are usually of high quality and come with additional features such as anonymity and support for different protocols.
  2. Scrape them from the internet: You can use a script or program to scrape publicly available proxy lists from websites such as or
  3. Use a free proxy: There are many free proxy servers available on the internet, but they may not be as reliable or secure as paid proxies.

If you want to use a proxy when making a request in Python, you can use the requests library and pass in the proxy information as a parameter in the request.

Here is an example of how to use a proxy with a GET request:

import requests

proxy = {
'http': '',
'https': '',

response = requests.get('', proxies=proxy)


In order to prevent or mitigate credential stuffing attacks, organizations should implement advanced security measures, such as multi-factor authentication, rate limiting, and IP blocking. Additionally, they should monitor their logs and network traffic for any suspicious activity, and use tools such as intrusion detection systems and firewalls to detect and block malicious traffic.

Bypassing CAPTCHA’s


CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) is a security measure that is designed to prevent automated bots from accessing a website or service. In credential stuffing attacks, attackers may use automated bots to try a large number of login credentials in a short period of time. By bypassing CAPTCHA, attackers can continue to use their bots without interruption, making it more likely for them to find a set of valid credentials.

There are several ways to bypass CAPTCHA, including using machine learning algorithms, optical character recognition (OCR) software, and human-powered services or third-party providers. These methods can be used to bypass both simple and complex CAPTCHA systems.

Some third-party providers of these services include:

  • 2Captcha
  • Anti-Captcha
  • Deathbycaptcha

⚠️ Note : It’s important to note that using these services to bypass CAPTCHA is illegal in some countries, and organizations should take legal action if they suspect someone is using such service to attack their service. To combat this type of attack, organizations should implement more advanced forms of CAPTCHA, such as invisible reCAPTCHA, hCaptcha and use of AI to detect bot traffic. Additionally, organizations should monitor their logs and network traffic for any suspicious activity and take action if they detect any attempts to bypass their CAPTCHA systems.

Bypassing CloudFlare Security

Source :

CloudFlare is a security service that helps protect websites from online threats, such as hackers and bots. It works by sitting in front of a website and acting as a barrier, or “shield,” to block malicious traffic while allowing legitimate visitors to access the site.

CloudFlare uses a variety of security measures to protect websites, including:

  • Firewall: which can block known malicious IP addresses and bots
  • DDoS protection: which can detect and block distributed denial of service attacks
  • SSL/TLS encryption: which can encrypt data as it travels between a website and a visitor’s browser, helping to keep sensitive information, like passwords and credit card numbers, safe.

In simple terms, CloudFlare is a service that helps keep a website safe by blocking bad actors and keeping important information secure.

One way to bypass CloudFlare security is to use a technique called CloudFlare bypass, which involves identifying the IP address of the server behind CloudFlare and then making a direct connection to that server. This can be done by using tools such as Censys, Shodan, and CloudFail.

Another way is to use a technique called CloudFlare resolver, which involves using a script or tool to automatically resolve the IP address of the server behind CloudFlare. This can be done by using tools such as CloudFlare Resolver, CloudFlareDNS, and CloudFlare Resolver API.

Additionally, attackers may use a technique called IP spoofing, which involves faking the IP address of the client in order to bypass CloudFlare security.

Bypassing Cloudflare security can give attackers access to the server behind the security layer, this way they can conduct a credential stuffing attack, or launch a DDoS attack.

It’s important to note that bypassing CloudFlare security is illegal in some countries and organizations should take legal action if they suspect someone is using such techniques to attack their service. To combat this type of attack, organizations should use advanced security measures such as multi-factor authentication, rate limiting, and IP blocking. Additionally, they should monitor their logs and network traffic for any suspicious activity.


Credential stuffing, a method of cyber attack that involves using a list of stolen login credentials to gain unauthorized access to multiple accounts, just got a whole lot easier thanks to GUI tools. These Graphical User Interface tools automate the process and are sold on the dark web. They come with features such as loading combinations of usernames and passwords, filtering results, and even advanced capabilities like multi-threading and anonymous proxy support. But be warned, using these tools is illegal and can lead to severe consequences. In this , we’ll take a closer look at some of the most popular GUI tools for credential stuffing, like OpenBullet, Storm, and Sentry MBA, and learn why it’s always better to stay on the right side of the law and use ethical methods.

There are a number of GUI tools also that have been developed by hackers to automate the process of performing request processes.

These tools are typically sold on the dark web, and using them is illegal. Some of the functionalities that these tools may include are:

  1. Loading combos: This refers to the ability to load a list of username and password combinations to use during an attack.
  2. Filtering: The ability to filter the results of an attack by successful and unsuccessful login attempts and freemium accounts or premium accounts.
  3. Advanced features: Some of these GUI tools may also come with advanced features such as multi-threading, which allows for multiple login attempts to be made simultaneously, and proxy support, which allows for the use of anonymous proxies to mask the identity of the attacker.

Some GUI tools that are commonly used for this type of attack include:

  • OpenBullet
  • Storm
  • Sentry MBA
  • BlackWidow
  • BlackBullet
  • CredCrack and many more….

⚠️ Please note, it’s not legal or ethical to use these tools. And if you are found using them, you may face severe legal consequences. It’s always better to use legal and ethical ways.

“ In conclusion, the evolution of credential stuffing has brought new challenges to online security. The use of proxies, CAPTCHA bypassing, and CloudFlare security bypassing in credential stuffing 2.0 has made online security more complex. However, with the right knowledge , tools, and security measures we can still protect ourselves from these cyber attacks. Keep your passwords strong and unique, and never reuse the same password across multiple accounts. Stay informed and stay safe.”



Two Techie Vibes

Two tech enthusiasts who share a passion for all things in technology. Our articles cover a wide range of topics include programming, Tech tips and tricks etc..